The Lindblom Library’s mission and vision is to create a safe, supportive place for students to grow their appreciation of the power of information through access to print and electronic materials; and to learn the critical thinking skills needed in order to navigate our complicated, ever-changing, information landscape. It is a collaborative space where students and staff can access materials needed for academic pursuits and for personal enrichment. We aim to be reflective of our students’ and school community’s changing needs and to offer a comfortable, flexible, and beautiful space for many different types of learning and learners.
Library hours: 7:00 am - 5:30 pm and during lunch periods.
Resources: 3 week loan period for high school students. 2 weeks for AC. NO LATE FEES!
Resources: 3 week loan period for high school students. 2 weeks for AC. NO LATE FEES!
Contact us: Librarian: Ms. Confer Library aide: Mr. Catlett
Phone: (773) 535-9094 [email protected] [email protected]
Phone: (773) 535-9094 [email protected] [email protected]